It is very important for every man to be sexually strong. One of the greatest subconscious fears of a man is sexual weakness or impotence. Nevertheless, already after 40 years, a man can begin to show the first signs of a decrease in potency.

In this case, it is necessary to discard all complexes and consult a doctor, because in the early stages this problem is treated quickly and effectively.
Potency problems: types of disorders
Impotence is the gradual decline and disappearance of male sexual function. The disorder can periodically remind itself after the age of 40, and with age, the man gets stronger only if no measures are taken. There are symptoms (or criteria) that allow a doctor to diagnose impotence in a man:
- A man's lack of sexual attraction to a woman.
- A man with sexual desire still has difficulty achieving an erection, that is, erectile dysfunction is observed.
- A man cannot insert his erect penis into a woman's vagina.
- The man has premature ejaculation, and the erection is very short-lived.
- A man has a delay in ejaculation or even complete absence.
- In order to achieve orgasm, a man needs special conditions (for example, in a car, in an elevator, in a park, etc. , where other people can see sexual intercourse, or in other non-standard conditions).

There are 2 types of impotence according to the nature of occurrence:
- organic. These types of disorders occur due to any problem in the body: certain diseases, drugs, injuries, etc.
- psychogenic. This disorder is caused by any psychological factors: stress, fear of failure in sex, self-confidence, psychological trauma, etc.
However, there are many reasons that can contribute to the development of potential disorders. It is very important to know about them, because identifying the cause of the problem is the first step to getting rid of the problem itself.
Potency problems: causes
What to do if a man has a sexual disorder? First you need to determine the reason that caused it.
Among the most common reasons for the development of the problem in men are the following:

- irregular sex life. If a man's sex life is irregular, his potential decreases and sexual behavior is disturbed.
- infectious diseases. Modern medicine treats sexually transmitted diseases quickly and effectively. But only drugs that have such a good therapeutic effect significantly reduce the potency. Therefore, very active sexual behavior, sexual intercourse with different partners is not the best option. Diseases of the genitourinary system that are a threat to potency are also not fully treated: prostatitis, orchitis, vesiculitis, urethritis, etc.
- chronic diseases. Diseases such as hypertension, endocrine system disorders, diabetes, hyperplasia of the prostate gland significantly reduce sexual desire.
- bad habits and objective factors. Alcohol abuse, drug addiction, passive lifestyle, smoking, irregular sleep and nutrition, unfavorable climate are enemies of male sexual power.
- age factor. After 40 years, the "first bells" of the weakening of a man's sexual power can be seen. At the same time, you should understand that each person has his own body, his own rhythm, his own concept of norms. Therefore, you should not take the norm established by doctors as an axiom - at least 1 sexual intercourse per week. If a man has a norm, for example, 1 movement in 10 days, then you should not give an "alarm signal" and prove to yourself and your partner that everything is within his power. This will lead to exhaustion of the body, and then a real disorder.
For any person, it is a great stress that he is no longer able to do everything he used to do recently. But impotence is treated quickly and effectively. And the sooner a person turns to a specialist, the faster and easier it will be to solve the problem.
Problems related to potency in men: physiological aspect

It is very easy to explain the onset of impotence in terms of physiology. For this, you just need to understand the characteristics of the structure of the male genital organ and the mechanism of initiation of erection. The body of the penis has a spongy structure that contains many cavities. This allows the erection process to begin.
When the organ is at rest, blood circulation occurs like this: blood quietly enters the spaces through the veins and is separated through the veins. In the state of sexual arousal, the blood flow to the caverns increases sharply, the vessels narrow, which prevents the outflow of blood. And every space is filled with blood. Externally, this is manifested in the tension and expansion of the penis.
It should be noted that almost every man at least once came to a situation where he could not achieve an erection. And this is not a pathology, much less a sign of impotence. If such a situation occurs constantly, then impotence can be diagnosed only in this case.
The physiological nature of impotence
There are several causes of impotence that are purely physiological or physical in nature. These include:

- hormonal disorders. First of all, the cause may be the dysfunction of the sex glands responsible for the production of testosterone. There are several signs of this problem: the timbre of the voice rises, excess fat accumulates on the hips, buttocks, chest, hair growth on the body and face slows down. Another cause may be a pituitary tumor. This is fraught with the tumor actively producing prolactin. It is the excess of this hormone that causes this disorder.
- sclerosis of the cavernous tissue. That is, the thin tissue of the cavities of the genital organ dies and is replaced by coarse tissue. The cause of sclerosis, in turn, can be damage to the penis, priapism, intentional delay in sexual intercourse (if it is practiced often).
- disorders of the cardiovascular system. Diseases such as aortic aneurysm, varicose veins and atherosclerosis can cause problems with potency in men. They directly affect the process of inflow and outflow of blood in the penis. In particular, the blood flow to the penis may be insufficient, which will contribute to a prolonged and sometimes even painful erection. In this case, the member is, as it were, in a semi-excited state. Or, on the contrary, there can be a very dense blood flow, which allows an erection to occur quickly, but it ends just as quickly. Sometimes a man does not even have time to complete intercourse.
- disorders of the nervous system. Diseases such as epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis can cause problems in sexual life. But often these diseases worsen the condition of a person and lower his quality of life so much that sex is the last thing on his mind.
Erectile dysfunction in men: a psychological aspect
Impotence can also have a psychogenic nature. This means that there are psychological factors that affect a man's sexual power. These possible causes usually include:

- psychological trauma. It can be different situations: for example, a man experienced sexual failure, but did not receive support from a woman. Worse, if a woman doesn't just show resentment or anger, she laughs at a man, accuses him of not loving her, or worse, calls him impotent. In such situations, a woman's behavior and reaction play a big role.
- stress, nervous tension, depression. The life of a modern person is full of stressful situations; for many, life is literally a race to the bottom. It is not surprising that sooner or later a person begins to experience difficulties in an intimate matter.
- complexes, subconscious fears. According to andrologists, the reasons why a man begins to have difficulties are precisely in the psyche. The complex that he cannot satisfy a woman (for example, during the first intimacy), the fear of "hitting" (especially if there are precedents), etc. - all this immediately affects the potential of a person. In addition, there may be incompatibility of partners, which can lead to impotence. According to andrologists, the most common of all possible causes of impotence is psychological. Therefore, men with such a diagnosis are usually treated by a psychologist (sexologist). <
Treatment methods for potential disorders
There are several approaches to treating the disease. Depending on the severity of the disease, the cause, the age and general health of the patient and other factors, the doctor may offer an option:
Medical therapy
Pharmacies are rich in various drugs "for potential". But not every man thinks that, on the contrary, it can harm the body. In addition, if a man has impotence, for example, due to disorders of the endocrine system, then no matter how many pills he takes, they will not help him, because the condition will improve only after the endocrine diseases are eliminated. Therefore, you should always remember that drug treatment is the authority of a specialist.
Consultation of a psychologist (sexologist)
Psychologist (sexologist) not only in cases of psychogenic impotence, but also when a man has a difficult diagnosis, falls into a state of depression, etc. can help in cases. A psychologist can help a person:
- Determine the cause of the problem (fears, complexes, stress, uncertainty, etc. ).
- Solve these psychological problems (for example, get rid of complexes or learn to cope with stress).
- If you have these experiences, hopelessness, depression, etc. get out of the situation.
- Provide psychological support, help the patient look at the future with optimism.
As a rule, if a person is experiencing a serious illness, drug treatment is combined with psychotherapy, which gives an excellent therapeutic effect.
Penis prosthesis
This is a drastic measure used as a last resort when none of the treatment methods help. Usually this method is offered to men at a younger age. The operation is 100% effective, it is carried out at such a high level that even specialists do not always feel that a penile prosthesis has been made.
Patients are treated only by doctors. He conducts diagnostics, a comprehensive examination, determines the cause of the disorder and determines the course of treatment necessary for a particular patient based only on this information. Sometimes the psychologist works with both partners, because the effectiveness of the treatment directly depends on the correct behavior of the spouse.
Additional activities
These include, for example, dietary recommendations that can even resolve the condition itself in the early stages of the disorder. In more severe cases, diet is a mandatory additional measure. It is important for every man to eat foods rich in vitamins E, C, and beta-carotene.
Raw vitamin E is found in all types of nuts, sunflower seeds, beef liver, buckwheat, oatmeal, eggs, vegetable oils (especially soy).
Vitamin C is found in sea fish, seafood, berries, citrus fruits (especially lemon), fruits.
Carrots, bell peppers, all kinds of cabbage, greens (especially parsley), apricots contain a large amount of beta-carotene.